Lebst du dein Leben so wie es wirklich möchtest? Reflektiere und sei vollkommen ehrlich zu dir.
Schließe Frieden mit der Vergangenheit und erlaube dir zu heilen.
Stell dich deinen Sorgen und Ängsten um sie mit vollem Mut zu überwinden.
Finde deine innere Kraft und was dir am wichtigsten ist. An diesem Tag wird dein inneres Feuer entfacht.
Erreiche ein neues Level an Klarheit indem du die Perspektive wechselst.
Spüre und kreiere was du wirklich möchtest. Lerne auf deine Intuition zu vertrauen.
Meistere deine Gedanken und erreiche die höchste Version von dir selbst. Setze deine wahre Kraft frei.
In einer Woche zu mehr Klarheit, Fokus und zurück zu alter Willensstärke durch Disziplin.
Dank der 7 tägigen Power & Purpose Reise konnte ich mein hinderliches Gedankenkarussell stoppen, hinderliche Glaubens- und Selbstsabotagemuster aufdecken, loslassen und schließlich fokussiert an meinen Visionen arbeiten. 1% besser, jeden Tag! Franks Liebe zum BW merkte ich als Teilnehmerin in jeder Sekunde. So gab es einen angenehmen und vertrauten Raum zur persönlichen Weiterentwicklung. Mein "neuer Umsetzungsdauermodus" hält auch nach dem Kurs weiterhin an!"
“As athletes, sometimes we forget the importance of recovery. Not just of the body, but of the mind. After one session with Frank, I felt relaxed, clear minded, and energized. Breathwork with Coach Frank is an essential part of my recovery. If you are an athlete, you should be breathing with Frank!”
“Frank offers a safe and loving space as we breathe and travel through his guided sessions. The trust I have in him allows me to fully let go of control, and follow where my breath takes me. I’ve experienced intense sensation while breathing and I’m grateful for the full emotional release in his sessions. Frank creates an inclusive atmosphere for beginner and experienced people to breath as a collective. The energy of the group is incredibly powerful! Every time I’ve had sessions with Frank, I go to another world and thank him deeply for the space that he gives me to do that.”
“Frank’s sessions fully immerse you in the present. For the duration of the session you’re able to focus solely on yourself without the usual outside distractions. We often don’t allow ourselves to be fully present in the moment, and being able to reset and focus sets you up for whatever you need to face. Personally, I’ve found every session a different experience which have allowed to me reflect and focus in a different way which have been really helpful. Thank you, Frank.”
“Frank is not only an attentive breathwork coach, he is a kind spirited soul who genuinely wants to help you in becoming a more fulfilling, complete person. I’ve had the great pleasure of working with him and the result was fantastic. I highly recommend doing breathwork with Frank!”
“Uncertainty and volatility are major factors in our professional lives. It seems that the complexity of our tasks is steadily rising. Flexibility is a necessity. As a consequence I need tools in order to cope with stress and emotional tensions. I participated in several breathwork sessions with Frank and the sessions helped me to deal with my daily life in a more calm and balanced way. As a byproduct this leads to more efficiency. I plan to work with Frank long-term in order to live a more emotionally balanced life.”